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some Refinery fuel...

some Refinery fuel...


why 2K?

did you know you can only follow 2K tweeple on Twitter?

i had no idea until i hit that wall!


forgive me for having such varied/expansive interests...

the policy exists to curb spam. as a tech dude/consultant i find the spam implications are a perfectly legitimate concern. i actively use twitter for creative/business endeavors, i don't want to have to deal w/spammy tweeple &/or spammy bots. as w/most things there are always a few rottens willing to spoil it for the rest of us.

spammage is not necessary to get whatever it is you're doing out to the world. it's irritating at minimum & offensive in extreme cases. anything that remotely resembles spam gets chumped in my virtual travels. why use it?

so, now i have a mild dilemma. i have to unfollow some of the tweeple i followed early in my twitterage. unfortunately the current site interface does not allow you to just jump to the beginning of your follow list. you can only scroll through the list from new to old follows (LIFO). this seems to be very taxing on IE8. eventually the browser bogs down to the point where it has to be closed & restarted.


i have yet to find a way to edit the follow list using Seesmic Desktop either. for now i have to be extremely selective about who i follow & continue to try to trim the follow list the hard way.


on a more + note, increasing the number of tweeple who follow is supposed to relax the restriction on the number of tweeple i follow. so the work will continue to gain follows. i'll continue to do it the organic way. no bots, no spam, no bull!

give a follow if you don't already...

Twitter: DFingas


for some more info on why the limit exists, peep these links:

Brent Csutoras: Twitter Limits Following to 2000

Google: follow limit on twitter

PEACE calm...

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all expression is welcome. hate if you will, but try to be constructive. try even harder to be honest...ABB!