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some Refinery fuel...

some Refinery fuel...


a day in the ear III (organize to realize)...

for the past few days i have been doing some much needed organization. my living/work environment has been organizationally corrupt for a bit too long. it didn't used to be like this. w/o going into the details of the why, i have resolved to get things as straight as possible.

IMHO it's getting in the way of my earning endeavors. obviously that's not acceptable. since i was essentially trained as a young human to work w/music playing in the background, i decided to get it in w/some classically dope James Brown sounds.

these jawns are Now On Blast (NOB) indefinitely to coincide w/the organizational activities...

this all relates to a book i copped a few years back & still have yet to finish reading. i stopped reading because i got to a section that stressed the need for organization in your work environment.

i am generally not 1 to lie to self, so i had to recognize the nature of my disorganization & how it was causing great harm. if i don't change my environment won't.

in essence i misjudged certain aspects of my personal environment & how they affected everything else i do. what i'm working w/now is a new approach to some long-standing issues. this approach is heavily organization oriented.

it's all part of the ABB & KIM movement. if you check any of the things i post on Twitter/Facebook you may have noticed i've been hashtagging #BLAM. like ABB it is a building expression. what does it mean?
  • Building
  • Like
  • A
  • Mafucka (or Mogul for the conservative heads)
as i tend to say, w/all sincerity, i am on a mission. i always have been. i can get a little distracted along the way, but i will persist in moving forward...

get at me...


PEACE calm...

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all expression is welcome. hate if you will, but try to be constructive. try even harder to be honest...ABB!