media & media related products mentioned/recommended/enjoyed by DFinery can be found/purchased in the Mediafeast!
TIA (Thanks In Advance) FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

some Refinery fuel...

some Refinery fuel...


Diesel Funkin' 09: the official version...

well folks, this is it. the entire fuel listing for the '09 production schedule. some of these can be heard on SoundCloud. the selections that are part of Pipeline can be heard on MySpace & facebook. as for the rest of the tracks, they can be heard upon request...just ask...seriously...

& now w/o further doo doo...[CHEESE!]

Diesel Funkin' 09...
  1. DieselF - Argingloch
  2. DieselF - Zubacdazgonoc
  3. DieselF - Yiga Lonktos
  4. DieselF - Bingdey Foidok
  5. DieselF - Wolaikandus
  6. DieselF - Doibosionk
  7. DieselF - Uflah Bor
  8. DieselF - Fodim Koltans
  9. DieselF - Sorde Goc
  10. DieselF - Hindosfelik
  11. DieselF - Quimigodiake
  12. DieselF - Ji Dipoclait
  13. DieselF - Ortong Wicomait
  14. DieselF - Lorgieamost
  15. DieselF - Metacoliaop
  16. DieselF - Nimowagilait
  17. DieselF - Kimbat Wepok
  18. DieselF - Pifok Omoltey
  19. DieselF - Involbigowaimp
  20. DieselF - Rigo Ligoaink
  21. DieselF - Giplip Coplonk
  22. DieselF - Timkotsimfey
  23. DieselF - Ergatocsmate
  24. DieselF - Vimpongsimoley
  25. DieselF - Coitar Digfan
  26. DieselF - Xilmot Koilok
  27. DieselF - Akrotbimocht
  28. DieselF - Zimot Kalaip
  29. DieselF - Yikat Dekowip
  30. DieselF - Bedowagomitz
  31. DieselF - Dibosankayp
  32. DieselF - Wogilaiche
  33. DieselF - Fetonoslot
  34. DieselF - Uorgot Gimfal
  35. DieselF - Hembozias
  36. DieselF - Sibatgyntaing
  37. DieselF - Jido Bonsaik
  38. DieselF - Quaplidt
  39. DieselF - Leboshiosei
  40. DieselF - Otimga Sait
  41. DieselF - Nydogwesait
  42. DieselF - Mutat Gwefong
  43. DieselF - Kubaiga Yaot
  44. DieselF - Poytof Agfeit
  45. DieselF - Inclotioch
  46. DieselF - Roiglakioch
  47. DieselF - Gilgotiokat
  48. DieselF - Torjegolnomp
  49. DieselF - Endok Puifang
  50. DieselF - Vink Tesom
  51. DieselF - Codugeriak
  52. DieselF - Xildod Kwante
  53. DieselF - Abolebonge
  54. DieselF - Zerca Boita
  55. DieselF - Begop Ongiay
  56. DieselF - Yok Wokbik
  57. DieselF - Dokeay Blimokont
  58. DieselF - Wibok Bidoeck
  59. DieselF - Fobachteyco
  60. DieselF - Ugort Fempostdian
  61. DieselF - Hebogostioc
  62. DieselF - Soikey Dimowat
  63. DieselF - Jutai Solaqua
  64. DieselF - Quortakainkoch
  65. DieselF - Lequadasiot
  66. DieselF - Orgebontfik
  67. DieselF - Zurgaliox
  68. DieselF - Sygonogtek
  69. DieselF - Quidonklian
  70. DieselF - Kidalgozmact
  71. DieselF - Tigotankaif
  72. DieselF - Joquatinous
  73. DieselF - Nodaublache
  74. DieselF - Debopaynk
  75. DieselF - Bozwotnopliet
  76. DieselF - Xibontikait
  77. DieselF - Enctonkwinfase
  78. DieselF - Ortonzegies
  79. DieselF - Cobitisiot
  80. DieselF - Peolinth
  81. DieselF - Hikobadiot
  82. DieselF - Robwangae
  83. DieselF - Feynkotwei
  84. DieselF - Uborgwuan
  85. DieselF - Igogantaik
  86. DieselF - Vezoakanst
  87. DieselF - Ghiangkor
  88. DieselF - Yopelaitz
  89. DieselF - Aubieatzil
  90. DieselF - Woligox
  91. DieselF - Mibodigibodi
  92. DieselF - Tongalwefe
  93. DieselF - Codat Kalbonque
  94. DieselF - Naot Teumbey
  95. DieselF - Jinort Kalfaink
  96. DieselF - Xiway Bontiko
  97. DieselF - Leumotog
  98. DieselF - Uyno Emzaid
  99. DieselF - Dentat Kradobyne
  100. DieselF - Vestos Kocidas
  101. DieselF - Lebos Quatea
  102. DieselF - Yitiel Omzik
  103. DieselF - Kezoil Biunde
  104. DieselF - Wendis Oqfley
  105. DieselF - Atoke Feleise
  106. DieselF - Zen Aswalt
  107. DieselF - Hoak Bindu
  108. DieselF - Rimpa Bendosi
  109. DieselF - Mecol Deplai
  110. DieselF - Putaik Gelfint
  111. DieselF - Edwibgase
  112. DieselF - Sigo Baoundae
  113. DieselF - Fintwib Odake
  114. DieselF - Osquidio Alofaise
  115. DieselF - Quada Ibisea
  116. DieselF - Igdi Gipkaise
  117. DieselF - Gengy Dengo
  118. DieselF - Poody Boandait
  119. DieselF - Biampane Danglo
  120. DieselF - Nosegaite
  121. DieselF - Moygane Diagost
  122. DieselF - Luggi Dempliss
  123. DieselF - Rinekole Bintate
  124. DieselF - Sobi Guampai
  125. DieselF - Jop Dalyop
  126. DieselF - Isonk Entagion
  127. DieselF - Tinganste
  128. DieselF - Haklak Pagalant
  129. DieselF - Goli Wumpux
  130. DieselF - Quank Lo Canzine
  131. DieselF - Otfietag Gopleiton
  132. DieselF - Korlaco Kintong
  133. DieselF - Finctasium Ghatfeex
  134. DieselF - Ukrilaesia Silonqueate
  135. DieselF - Doriastian Colofant
  136. DieselF - Erglotice Congiate
  137. DieselF - Witatin Bodo
  138. DieselF - Corgate Onklun
  139. DieselF - Vorleus Quampiel
  140. DieselF - Xaxaleep Podiaink
  141. DieselF - Yikago Dwong
  142. DieselF - Baliun Quisoto
  143. DieselF - Arkalean Pleofe
  144. DieselF - Zoboloax Kabywak
  145. DieselF - Vando Ginifay
  146. DieselF - Hoglan Kapdaise
  147. DieselF - Toki Penofey
  148. DieselF - Ibdagando
  149. DieselF - Yogambe Dinquai
  150. DieselF - Epolatenou Quadiate
  151. DieselF - Roagy Lo Ganz
  152. DieselF - Kado Quampelay
  153. DieselF - Ugwal Tandoay
  154. DieselF - Ditzane Wollaigo
  155. DieselF - Poandang Gosalm
  156. DieselF - Logumfane Daizo
  157. DieselF - Xolgate Pifoyngue
  158. DieselF - Bido Comptay
  159. DieselF - Ozy Gwa Dongey
  160. DieselF - Conton Gidross
  161. DieselF - Wodon Flegay
  162. DieselF - Jogtogolate
  163. DieselF - Gohzi Badorai
  164. DieselF - Quiddle Disteay
  165. DieselF - Filtnan Goflan
  166. DieselF - Nizdi Iblayne
  167. DieselF - Algom Disolay
  168. 1ieselF - Zali Soamvin
  169. DieselF - Mogahbaze
  170. DieselF - Silmoneay Donfonqular
the goal for the production cycle was 2 tanks per week. that works out to 104 tanks on the year. the extra tanks give me some leeway in the dubdime...i am on a mission you know...

DFingas in the house!!!

PEACE calm...


The Beatnuts ft. Grand Puba - Are You Ready

as stated in the profile, influences...

this is a track that makes hip-hop so easy to love. the verses are ill. the track is insabonkers. what more do you want?

if you can't move to tracks like this you need to get out of your coffin...
or maybe you need to crawl back in...


PEACE calm...


the Refinery won't leave me alone...

i try to tell people that i'm not just a producer/engineer. i am also a writer. essentially, i will occupy my time w/any creative endeavor that will result in me making something interesting.

music is a life mission, but i enjoy writing poetry & prose. i especially enjoy interacting w/other + humans.

i appreciate the lack of ignorance in people who are not only conscious, but also open minded enough to recognize the various levels of being a scientific human.

intellect & creativity go quite well together. art = expression. if you are not able to articulate in some shape or fashion, how could you possibly be artistically expressive?

so on that note, keep an eyeball on The Refinery's I. i'm working on some visual presentations to vibe w/the audio.

original content...

fresh fuel...

stay tuned...

PEACE calm...


Pipeline: latest shipment [091218]...

Pipeline will possibly be experiencing numerous changes over the last few weeks of '09.
  1. DieselF - Yiga Lonktos
  2. DieselF - Bingdey Foidok
  3. DieselF - Wolaikandus
  4. DieselF - Uflah Bor
  5. DieselF - Fodim Koltans
  6. DieselF - Pifok Omoltey
  7. DieselF - Quimigodiake
  8. DieselF - Lorgieamost
  9. DieselF - Jido Bonsaik
  10. DieselF - Mutat Gwefong
  11. DieselF - Abolebonge
  12. DieselF - Yok Wokbik
  13. DieselF - Dokeay Blimokont
  14. DieselF - Lequadasiot
  15. DieselF - Nodaublache
this is the latest fuel as of this post...

PEACE calm...

Diesel Funkin' 09 nears it's production run end...

i do not sweat self.

that said everything produced by/at the Refinery is not the greatest thing that ever happened to sound. the best experiences in the lab are when i refine the elements to a point where i can really feel it.

if i bang a joint & it makes me want to immediately start freestyling &/or writing, then heeeeeeeeeeeeey...i'm good!

i'm officially closing out the '09 production schedule at 170 tanks of fuel. the catalog is currently at 168, so that means 2 more tanks. i must say i'm not mad at the year's work.

i only intended to refine 104 tanks for '09...

i'll post the full Diesel Funkin' 09 fuel listing when tanks 169 & 170 are refined...

PEACE calm...


Pipeline: latest shipment [091217]...

this joint is due for mad changes. i'm in the Refinery. i haven't slept at length for going on 72hrs. that's not going to last.

after this post i'm going to go rest the mind & come back to mediabeast on these unfinished/arranged tanks of fuel.

i'm officially ending '09 production at tank #170. it's official. no new Diesel Funkin' product until the '10 catalog begins production.

here's the latest Pipeline...
  1. DieselF - Wolaikandus
  2. DieselF - Uflah Bor
  3. DieselF - Fodim Koltans
  4. DieselF - Quimigodiake
  5. DieselF - Lorgieamost
  6. DieselF - Pifok Omoltey
  7. DieselF - Jido Bonsaik
  8. DieselF - Mutat Gwefong
  9. DieselF - Abolebonge
  10. DieselF - Yok Wokbik
  11. DieselF - Abolebonge
  12. DieselF - Soikey Dimowat
  13. DieselF - Lequadasiot
  14. DieselF - Nodaublache
  15. DieselF - Peolinth
PEACE calm...


watstha X...

its X 2 build...

i'm going on a self-imposed web diet. i have 20+ half refined tanks of fuel that need some attention.

i also have a challenge to face that i will not detail here. i will frame it like this:

it has dogged me since i began creating my own music. it doesn't quite affect Refinery production, but mastering of its challenges will bring new levels of raw material manipulation to the Refinery.

that is all for now. get your #musicmonday on if you know what that means...

whatever time of day it is, wherever you are, & whatever it is you are doing, b as much as you possibly can...

PEACE calm...


i believe i've discovered the source of my addiction...

if it is found to be offensive that i refer to my l-ve for audio as an addiction, i must suggest the offended parties chill...

i used to have a $100/wk habit at the record store. i had to sneak them in the house because my sperm donor thought buying vinyl & pursuing my audio interests was not a worthwhile use of my time & intellect. imagine that...

moving forward, i believe my addiction is derived from 2 distinct character traits i seem to possess:

  1. i am completely fascinated by patterns & puzzles
  2. i can't stand hearing the same music repeatedly
i have never really listened to lyrics in music. that may explain why i rarely properly recall song lyrics. rhythms & melodies i recall. i focus on them. that's that pattern recognition. this has a great influence on the operating schedule of the Refinery.

sometimes i get this itch & i just have hear new music (new patterns). when i wasn't making my own that resulted in my voracious appetite for new vinyl, cassettes, CD's, & now digital audio (mp3's & the like).

it happened yesterday. i was supposed to get some rest before going out & i couldn't. i had get in the Refinery & do watido...

i don't need help, i need to make new fuel...LOL!

PEACE calm...


Pipeline: latest shipment [091208]...

for some odd reason i thought i'd be updating the selections more frequently than monthly. i suppose i need to flesh out the ideas more to contribute to Pipeline selections...

regardless, this is the most current Pipeline as of this posting...
  1. DieselF - Quimigodiake
  2. DieselF - Lorgieamost
  3. DieselF - Hembozias
  4. DieselF - Jido Bonsaik
  5. DieselF - Mutat Gwefong
  6. DieselF - Torjegolnomp
  7. DieselF - Endok Puifang
  8. DieselF - Abolebonge
  9. DieselF - Yok Wokbik
  10. DieselF - Dokeay Blimokont
  11. DieselF - Soikey Dimowat
  12. DieselF - Lequadasiot
  13. DieselF - Quidonklian
  14. DieselF - Nodaublache
  15. DieselF - Peolinth
some of these are already on the sites...check out the links on your lower right hand side under Other Supply Chains...

don't forget: whatever site you visit, i appreciate it most when you leave some commentary...

watgoson 4 u?

PEACE calm...


sometimes stress can result in creative moments...

generally i tend to think a relaxed state of mind is best for creative expression & development. as w/most things though, there are the exceptions...

i've written some of my best poetic expressions while either broken hearted &/or broken minded. it happens.

when it comes to the music, i usually like to just relax into a new composition. i try to anyway. today, or rather this PM, i basically said fuck it.

i felt like something strange. i don't think it's dark, but odd it is...

DFingas presents Lorgieamost...

NOTE: this link will not be live forever...maybe a week or so...

PEACE calm...


why i am a self-designated...

media beast...

although i did not grow up consumed by televised broadcast media, i am still heavily influenced by media in general. if you can think of a form of media, i am likely interested in it.

i love watching flicks, films, movies, whatever you prefer to refer to them as. there are always 2 genres that appeal to me most: comedy & action. i dig thrillers & dramas too, but the 1st 2 will always get priority.

on that note, i am very excited about the next installment in this series:

being a big fan of DCheadle is helpful...

PEACE calm...

doing what it do...

...or as is said in twitspeak: doin watido!

the DF manifesto...

i will remain independent at all costs. i will own my masters. i will make music until i am completely deaf, dumb, blind, & digitless. i will make music for those who appreciate & want it. i will advocate for hip-hop culture because that is my foundation & musical truth. i will create music because it is what i do. i will not isolate my creative energies to any 1 particular genre. i will not bite. i will think critically w/o hating. i will always be building. i will advocate for the truth at all costs because there is no other way to truly be positive in this world of human frailty. i am a creator...

now, if i cannot get paid doing the above, then i guess i won't be getting paid to make good music. i can live w/that. i do not make music to make $$$. i make music because i am a creator. i write prose, poetry, & lyrics. i have been drawing since i was little kid. i won't be doing any portraits any time soon, but i do have a collection of abstract designs that i've made over the years. i build computers. every system i own, including my laptop, was put together & maintained by my hands. it is a blessing to possess a technical & artistic mind. i plan on using this combination to bring as much truth to light as possible in the coming years...

the bottom line is this: i am artistic. no matter what the form of expression is, i will always be a creator. as such, it is as i live & breath that i create...

get at me...

PEACE calm...



new album out 100209...

it is available for pre-order at Amazon.

i'm most excited because the band only tours when there is an album out.

i will be causing other humans some severe physical pain if it becomes necessary to obtain tix through such means...

am i joking?

PEACE calm...


time to break up the music...

w/some different music...

i understand that some choose to isolate themselves when trying to create new sounds. i prefer to immerse myself in sound.

i guess i'm able to vibe w/o the evil technique of biting...bleeech!

honor & tribute are great things. i would say there is a line that you don't cross where these things turn into biting. usually that occurs out of ignorance, disrespect, or some combination of both.


that's a poster...

PEACE calm...



been in the lab a li'l too much the last few days. i have to make myself rest. fatigue is not useful for listening & arranging.

it's weird, 'cause i wanna be in the lab, but about 30m after i get in...BOOM! knocked z. so, even though it's #musicmonday i'm chillin'...

technically, i did refine some raw materials today, but that was after a long chill period, & i'm back on it.

when i'm done w/the relax, i've got some raw to refine so Pipeline can get a 2 or 3 tank refuel...

waup w/some commentary? get at me...

PEACE calm...


this is unquestionably funny as hell...

got this off of 1 of the tweeples i follow on twitter (waup @Shonnielove)...

fam'lay...lock the damn door!!!

WTH you thinking doing a doll w/the door open?


PEACE calm...

Pipeline: latest shipment [091109]...

Pipeline's latest fuel deposit:
  1. DieselF - Mutat Gwefong
  2. DieselF - Kubaiga Yaot
  3. DieselF - Inclotioch
  4. DieselF - Torjegolnomp
  5. DieselF - Endok Puifang
  6. DieselF - Abolebonge
  7. DieselF - Yok Wokbik
  8. DieselF - Dokeay Blimokont
  9. DieselF - Soikey Dimowat
  10. DieselF - Lequadasiot
  11. DieselF - Quidonklian
  12. DieselF - Nodaublache
  13. DieselF - Peolinth
  14. DieselF - Woligoxo
  15. DieselF - Mibodigibodi
if you would like to fill your tank w/any of this fuel some can found at soundcloud or myspace.

keep checking on this joint. Pipeline is ever changing...

note: in keeping w/the nature of Pipeline, the listing has changed as of 18:45 or so...
  1. DieselF - Quaplidt
  2. DieselF - Mutat Gwefong
  3. DieselF - Kubaiga Yaot
  4. DieselF - Inclotioch
  5. DieselF - Torjegolnomp
  6. DieselF - Endok Puifang
  7. DieselF - Abolebonge
  8. DieselF - Yok Wokbik
  9. DieselF - Dokeay Blimokont
  10. DieselF - Soikey Dimowat
  11. DieselF - Lequadasiot
  12. DieselF - Quidonklian
  13. DieselF - Nodaublache
  14. DieselF - Peolinth
  15. DieselF - Woligoxo 
now that's the latest. tank 1's fuel can be tapped into at myspace...
PEACE calm...


the dawning of a new era...

...quite possibly...

we shall see how focused i remain in my endeavors on my current life mission. so many know so little of so few who know so much..

just uploaded 5 fresh tanks of fuel on soundcloud.

go listen.

NOTE: anyone, i repeat, anyone who leaves commentary that i can identify will be getting a free CD when i release my retail joint. ANYONE WHO LEAVES COMMENTARY!!!

[dead serious]

so do what you will. listen or not. just remember if you dig it to say so on any 1 of my sites & i will hook you up. obviously if you don't dig it & you comment as such, i won't send you a CD, unless you specify otherwise. i will not forget you.

i have an elephant's memory, so trust...

PEACE calm...


The Refinery's I

if it has not been made clear as yet, i am a practitioner of the abstract ways of communication & thought. i'm not CL Smooth or De La abstract, but i do what i do...


here are the playlists being developed & made available for listening enjoyment at my youtube channel.

there will very likely be some original content on this channel in the coming weeks. currently there is only do not disturb a sleeping giant.... i still think this is funny, but perhaps i'm biased...

here are the other playlists:




hope you enjoy what you enjoy & as i always say, leave some commentary. human beings are inherently social creatures. communication is our primary form of human it...communicate...


PEACE calm...


the Refinery proudly presents...

...a downloadable track from Pipeline...

zSHARE - DieselF - Dokeay Blimokont.mp3
NOTE: as of 091115 this is no longer an active link...sorry! catch the next 1...

get this while it's here, 'cause i'm not going to leave this up forever.


yes, i want your O-P-I-N-I-O-N...even if it is coming from your asshole!


PEACE calm...


Pipeline: latest shipment [091021]...


this is the latest Pipeline track list:
  1. DieselF - Inclotioch
  2. DieselF - Torjegolnomp
  3. DieselF - Endok Puifang
  4. DieselF - Abolebonge
  5. DieselF - Yok Wokbik
  6. DieselF - Dokeay Blimokont
  7. DieselF - Soikey Dimowat
  8. DieselF - Quortakainkoch
  9. DieselF - Lequadasiot
  10. DieselF - Quidonklian
  11. DieselF - Kidalgozmact
  12. DieselF - Nodaublache
  13. DieselF - Peolinth
  14. DieselF - Woligoxo
  15. DieselF - Mibodigibodi
if you actually would like to listen to some of these joints, click on that myspace link near the bottom right side of the screen under Other Supply Chains...

g'head. it'll be fun...

stay tuned, 'cause some of these joints are about to get final processing to be shipped off for mastering. after mastering it's time for retail deliveries of Fresh Fuel to a tank near you...


PEACE calm...


The Refinery's product...

i don't just compose & arrange audio. the primary Refinery output will likely always be audio, but my creative energies are not to be confined to 1 form of media or another. i enjoy the creative process as much as the final product. that said, whatever comes out does so in whatever form or fashion it does...

the above is what happened when i decided to create a new profile pic for twitter. works for me...

PEACE calm...


3 years in, time for a new rig...

...and it goes a li'l something like this...
  • AMD Athlon II X4 630 Propus 2.8GHz 4 x 512KB L2 Cache Socket AM3 95W Quad-Core Processor 
  • Rosewill R5604-TBK 0.8mm Japanese Cold Rolled Steel Screw-less Dual 120mm Fans ATX Mid Tower Computer Case
  • hec Raptor 1100CM 1000W ATX12V V2.2 / EPS12V V2.91 SLI Certified CrossFire Certified 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified Modular Active PFC Power Supply
  • Kingston 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1066 (PC3 8500) Dual Channel Kit Desktop Memory Model KVR1066D3N7K2/4G
  • Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 ST3320418AS 320GB 7200 RPM 16MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive
  • (2) Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 ST31000528AS 1TB 7200 RPM 32MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive
  • (2) LITE-ON Black 24X DVD+R 8X DVD+RW 12X DVD+R DL 24X DVD-R 6X DVD-RW 16X DVD-ROM 48X CD-R 32X CD-RW 48X CD-ROM 2MB Cache SATA DVD Writer - Bulk - LightScribe Support
  • MSI R4870 Cyclone 1G Radeon HD 4870 1GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFire Supported Video Card
  • M-Audio Delta 66 - PCI Sound Card with Breakout Box
i actually have fun doing this...

PEACE calm...

Raw Fuel

the original incarnation...

why is it raw?

easy. the mixes are manipulated but not done. arrangement could be needed. further mixing may be necessary. get the idea?

that said, these tracks eared out of the rest of Diesel Funkin' 08...

these are the choice batches of audio materials from Diesel Funkin' 08. they have been selected for additional specialized processing at The Refinery
  1. DieselF - Egat Lunquol
  2. DieselF - Otde Fog Ahnet
  3. DieselF - Hadid Binfenz
  4. DieselF - Quaut Deitondal
  5. DieselF - Nago Tigast
  6. DieselF - Nin Canto Glyte
  7. DieselF - Gah Du Daht
  8. DieselF - Ah Blibbidy
  9. DieselF - Auga Deam Agh
  10. DieselF - Bigron Dado
  11. DieselF - Zibar Montios
  12. DieselF - Clinquole Kazbat
  13. DieselF - Cyldaque Izzbot
  14. DieselF - Caulreap Idoaut
  15. DieselF - Coldane Filbos
  16. DieselF - Siybey Ayum
  17. DieselF - Idoan Ivivok
  18. DieselF - Waun Gwit
  19. DieselF - Jeggle Neggle
  20. DieselF - Ildoerkit
  21. DieselF - Fo Tee Wagum
PEACE calm...


Diesel Funkin' 08

the '08 Refinery product catalog. this represents from 080101 to 081231...
  1. DieselF - Hadid Binfenz
  2. DieselF - Quaut Deitondal
  3. DieselF - Nago Tigast
  4. DieselF - Otde Fog Ahnet
  5. DieselF - Nin Canto Glyte
  6. DieselF - Gah Du Daht
  7. DieselF - Ah Blibbidy
  8. DieselF - Auga Deam Agh
  9. DieselF - Bigron Dado
  10. DieselF - Zibar Montios
  11. DieselF - Zizdal Dofanik
  12. DieselF - Clinquole Kazbat
  13. DieselF - Goss Ztankoli
  14. DieselF - Cyldaque Izzbot
  15. DieselF - Habdab Afligaynd
  16. DieselF - Egat Lunquol
  17. DieselF - Caulreap Idoaut
  18. DieselF - Nadouk Oymblegaedyt
  19. DieselF - Ial Bagha
  20. DieselF - Coldane Filbost
  21. DieselF - Siybey Ayum
  22. DieselF - Idoan Ivivok
  23. DieselF - Waun Gwit
  24. DieselF - Jeggle Neggle
  25. DieselF - Wizzniz Gizniz
  26. DieselF - Fogite Jaundu
  27. DieselF - Ildoerkit
  28. DieselF - Baggha Deht
  29. DieselF - Gunkto Afgolian
  30. DieselF - Gibble Aynes
  31. DieselF - Kibdong Igglon
  32. DieselF - Bizingi Logusan
  33. DieselF - Shudna Bin Dunit
  34. DieselF - Kondinood Maytnaz
  35. DieselF - Jug Phug Groly
  36. DieselF - Nuda Deziboyn Maynt
  37. DieselF - Indai Som Boglios
  38. DieselF - Bagum Digoney
  39. DieselF - Wanum Engrie
  40. DieselF - Jadoleitmmo
  41. DieselF - Fenol Bumbal
  42. DieselF - Orty Fonkian
  43. DieselF - Fingo Galfayn
  44. DieselF - Feager Deager
  45. DieselF - Fo Tee Wagum
  46. DieselF - Octallion Defanious
  47. DieselF - Rig Dagglene
  48. DieselF - Gorzalian Dohmex
  49. DieselF - Igoliboggin
  50. DieselF - Mafogay Dongo
  51. DieselF - Ahbiel Dugo Kahlam
  52. DieselF - Baug Laugian
  53. DieselF - Ogwele Doldine
  54. DieselF - Zim Gibbly
  55. DieselF - Maesh Kaung Deyz
  56. DieselF - Jus Ugga Oun
  57. DieselF - Dono Foqua
  58. DieselF - Mo Giz Do Giz
  59. DieselF - Meyde Agnons Kandinua
  60. DieselF - Didday Dono
  61. DieselF - Og Nog Illian
  62. DieselF - Dol Dignafian
  63. DieselF - Inda Mondian
  64. DieselF - Asper Monteay
  65. DieselF - Du Gale Damol
  66. DieselF - Sengo Wandey
  67. DieselF - De Koch Begos
  68. DieselF - Samigot Deedo
  69. DieselF - Kas Daudf
  70. DieselF - Gad Zigniz
  71. DieselF - Rog Daut
  72. DieselF - Dah Eww
  73. DieselF - Kalat Wodez
  74. DieselF - A Buzztad Maz
  75. DieselF - Dadong Dadoogay
  76. DieselF - Fogemowl Yagado
  77. DieselF - Quellem Owltedey
  78. DieselF - Quellen Zbazz
  79. DieselF - Da Fiz Ritiz
  80. DieselF - Konboozed
  81. DieselF - A Riddum Tubong
get your fuel peoople...

PEACE calm...

Diesel Funkin' 09

the year's goal for The Refinery: 104 distinct tracks

works out to 2 tracks a week (2*52)...

what was supposed to happen at 104 was i was supposed to go back & address the '06 & '07 catalogs. that doesn't seem to be happening though. i suppose it's not that serious as there are still several weeks left out of 52...

'09 Refinery production: 120 distinct tracks

as of this post, i ain't mad...

no full track listing until '10...check the other sites for the various '09 deliveries already made...

PEACE calm...


Pipeline: latest shipment [091005]...

for the uninitiated, which is everyone but me at this point, Pipeline is something like an album, something like a work in progress. let's call it an album in progress...

unlike most joints, this will really never be completed, unless i cease to exist...

Pipeline will always be 15 tracks.

Pipeline will regularly be updated when i feel what i feel.

Pipeline is for your consideration, commentary, & quite possibly enjoyment...

that said, here's the current Pipeline track list as of today. i will post the cover art & the track list whenever it changes...
  1. DieselF - Abolebonge
  2. DieselF - Yok Wokbik
  3. DieselF - Dokeay Blimokont
  4. DieselF - Soikey Dimowat
  5. DieselF - Quortakainkoch
  6. DieselF - Lequadasiot
  7. DieselF - Sygonogtek
  8. DieselF - Quidonklian
  9. DieselF - Kidalgozmact
  10. DieselF - Tigotankaif
  11. DieselF - Nodaublache
  12. DieselF - Peolinth
  13. DieselF - Ghiangkor
  14. DieselF - Woligoxo
  15. DieselF - Mibodigibodi
so BOOM! as of this post's date this is Pipeline...

PEACE calm...


Jay-Z's "D.O.A (Death of Auto-Tune)" Video!

you may be like "what's this doing here?"

no, this is obviously not from the Refinery, but Refinery product is not created in a vacuum. there are cats that i dig on various creative levels. i began reading liner notes as a kid & never really stopped.

i like to know who played what so i can prop the correct artist. moving forward, NO ID is a producer whose work i find to be highly pleasant to the ear.


NO ID on production. are you serious? apparently. this guy is gettin' it done...

this track is sick crazy insane wild bangin'

am i joking?

PEACE calm...

20090929 seems i lied...

looks like i may be posting more frequently than originally conceived...

just a little. i still have a life...

[there is a fly in my office. why?]

came up w/a new concept for an audio project. dunno what i'm going to do w/it exactly, but i'm sure i'll figure it out by the time i'm ready to share it.

i'll say this, sampling is an art in & of itself. do not think loop when you think of samples. loops involve sampling, but categorize a subset. you may say "BLAH!" your prerogative...

the culture creates art. art forms creations. art forms. the culture forms arts of creation.

respect the culture.

respect the art

respect creation

PEACE calm...

i have a problem with sleep...

...i don't do it.

not regularly anyway. the following is evidence as to why i need to sleep on a relatively regular basis, for more than an hour or 2, in a bed instead of a not so comfortable chair...

PEACE calm...


guess what...

i just realized that i have a fascination w/signs...

yes, signs. the ones that appear in various human places on the various types of sign support structures...


dunno what this is all about, but i know i like to do it...

PEACE calm...


and so it begins yet again...

this blog will serve as a periodic documetation of the trials & tribulations of The Refinery.

what is The Refinery?

the result of channeling the creative energies of DF, Diesel Fingas, DFingas, DieselF, etc. as 1 w/many names the creative product is the focus.

i am DF. i do have a life outside of my creative endeavors, so the frequency of these posts will likely vary. they are not likely to be daily.

you may find audio, video, & still images representing the creative flavas of The Refinery.

feel free to comment. even if you feel the need to hate. all expression is welcome. if i deem it too offensively unproductive, i'll just delete it anyway...


'cause i can do that...

enjoy the things to come...

PEACE calm...