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some Refinery fuel...

some Refinery fuel...



a while back i began closing certain communications w/be calm. this might seem a bit redundant after using PEACE.

why do this?

it serves primarily as a reminder to self. it is something that i feel i need to see often. i can get quite hype about certain things. those who know my different faces might know this. there are those that would consider me relatively quiet. they probably don't know me all that well. i can be extremely quiet, but i can also be quite boisterous. it usually depends on company, circumstance, & setting. generally i'm very contemplative though i can be quite passionate about the things i dig.

be calm represents a realization i had a few years ago while considering the human condition in relation to our infinite reality. being calm is a useful state of mind. this is especially true in conflict situations. this does not mean be docile or submissive. it means it's best to maintain & keep the mind clear to make choices that do not create new obstacles.

easier said/thought than done, but extremely necessary for forward progress...

being calm is a desired state of cognition. perhaps it is redundant to use w/PEACE, but i will continue. it is a message to self & hopefully other humans as well.

it's like A.B.B. = Always Be Building

PEACE calm...

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all expression is welcome. hate if you will, but try to be constructive. try even harder to be honest...ABB!