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some Refinery fuel...

some Refinery fuel...


fascination & inspirations...

i find my creator influences come from many places. i am best served by not trying to limit said influences.

when i go to sites that make related suggestions, i will check out the links that are appealing for various reasons. in doing so, i recently came across the above. a very interesting journey in communication & imagery.

i am not a proponent of political correctness. i do not find profanity offensive. i respect that others do, but my approach to communication is essentially wide open. if i find a word is useful in communicating a particular idea, i figure using it should not be a problem.

i take freedom of speech dead serious. this includes language that may offend me personally. my personal offense is not the barometer of the next human's communication choices. it is only mine. if another human is repeatedly offensive then it is up to me to either communicate such to this person, or do my best to remove myself from what i determine is verbal foolishness. it is not my right or job to limit the means of their communication.

this is where consideration for others comes into play. who am i trying to communicate to w/my message? what is my message? depending on such questions, i have to make my decision(s) as to how i will proceed. this is important to me, so i respect this in others.

it may seem like self-censorship at times, but it all depends on the importance of the message, & the audience i'm working on reaching. outside of these considerations, all language is acceptable...

PEACE calm...

1 comment:

  1. I can recall being offended by some fellow humans' word choices-and then I listened to myself.(smh) What motivates me to certain word choices? What is my mood? What is my thought process? WTF!!!! Express yourself. Especially in ways that entertain and enlighten. The above mentioned expression experience is comical and creative. I recommend to anyone who loves F***King with self expression...


all expression is welcome. hate if you will, but try to be constructive. try even harder to be honest...ABB!