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some Refinery fuel...

some Refinery fuel...


watis WACK...

something i've noticed w/sadness over the years is that people are encouraged to either not express or not develop tastes in media consumption.

i'm not w/that.

it's like telling me not to think. WTF is that about?

i can relate to the general distaste for critics because they seem to have been given this power of opinion that is really undeserved, but does this mean that opinion should not be expressed at all?

maliciously trashing the creative output of any human doesn't do much. what is that for?

seems this is the real problem w/criticism. few take the time to offer constructive reasoning as to why something is not interesting to them. even when that reasoning is offered the person's perspective is still just that: a personal perspective. 1 human's opinion.

there are over 6.8B humans on this planet. based on current events, it's abundantly clear that we have some difficulty w/sharing singular opinions.

although some of us have similar tastes, we generally don't all like exactly the same things. we're not robots. sheep behavior can be very problematic in this regard. i'm not falling in line w/that kind of thinking.

i'm not going to say i dig something just because i'm supposed to according to whatever standard, especially charts & sales figures. i dig what i dig. if i don't dig it, THAT IS NOT HATE!

if it is wack to me, that's it. IT'S WACK TO MEEEEEEEEEE!

you may think it's hotter than hot...

can't we just agree to disagree sometimes?

what's wrong w/that?

PEACE calm...


  1. I see you took my last review pretty hard...LOL. Just kidding. I agree with what you said 100%. That has always been some of my beef with critics.

  2. LOL! i tend to get into criticism a lot because i place a high value on it. i look for criticism, but i don't let it guide my creative being. i just like to know how whatever i'm doing is being perceived by others. even when it's poorly expressed i try to find the gem(s) in there. if they don't exist, i K.I.M.! there's usually something to learn somewhere...


all expression is welcome. hate if you will, but try to be constructive. try even harder to be honest...ABB!