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some Refinery fuel...

some Refinery fuel...


the dilemma of duality...

what is a hater?

i like this question. hater is an abused label. there are always some around trying to tear down what others do, but where is the line drawn? at what point does thinking critically go so wrong that it becomes that useless expression of hate?

i've heard many artists over the years complain about critics. i don't have a problem w/critics. this isn't because i think they do a great job. some critics do. some people know how to explain clearly what it is that they experience after being exposed to some new media.

IMO that's all a critic is really for: describing their personal experience of being exposed to new media (the media form is not really relevant).

why would i have a problem w/that? the problem really seems to be that other humans refuse to do the job themselves. i look at reviews all the time. i've found over the years that i generally do not agree w/many critics.

take video media. i dig action films. they rarely get nominated for Oscars for the actual film. sometimes they might get 1 for technical aspects of the film, but the actors pretty much never get nominated for their roles in action films. does that mean they are not worthy? what is it exactly that they're not worthy of?

IMO that's box thinking. where i am there is no box. if you like the box, you can stay in it & let others define your boundaries. i like the places where i go, so boxes don't work for me unless i'm moving from a house or whatever.

to answer the original question, someone who is apparently unwilling to provide an intelligent reason for their distaste w/an experience &/or person...

a critic is not necessarily a hater, & even if the person is, it only matters if people follow the critic blindly w/o thinking themselves.

i am not trying to appeal to people who are unwilling to think. in fact 1 of the primary goals of anything coming out of the Refinery is to create thought & dialogue...


PEACE calm...

1 comment:

  1. I share your view, but that took some time (and maturity) for me to develop. I couldn't stand reviews that I thought were seemed uninformed or shallow, but then it got to the point where ultimately it just reflected an opinion. And who doesn't have one. Yes, I appreciate reviews that bring something to the table, so to speak, whether it is an interesting perspective or a sense of history about a subject matter or genre or style which I may not have. I have grown to appreciate all perspectives of an analytical opinion, just as I have easily grown to disregard most perspectives, as you note. I tend to disagree with many reviews too given my own perspectives. I truly value the idea that I can be open to all perspectives and find worth in the idea of that.


all expression is welcome. hate if you will, but try to be constructive. try even harder to be honest...ABB!