if i told you yes, would you believe me?
the universe gives care to self.
this is a life fearless mantra. it is derived from metaphysical theory. the principle is based on the idea that our reality is not malevolent in & of itself.
the universe actually caring is an anthropomorphic concept that is dangerously egocentric. it appears to stem from our very reasonable desire to not be at the "mercy" of the universe.
we want to believe we actually have some control over the life we experience.
therein lies the issue that has produced centuries of mass confusion. ancient metaphysicians appear to have attempted to teach the truth of these principles to those who might be willing to learn. somewhere between then & today, much was lost in the infinite translations.
the serenity prayer is 1 of the wisdoms that has not lost its meaning & strength due to distorted interpretation.
the only control that we need be concerned of is that of self.
to be abundantly clear, self has a dual meaning. we have individual self, & then we have collective self. far too many of us fail to recognize our collective self in an authentically civilized fashion. we can afford to neglect neither.
we are not served well by any efforts to control or manipulate the collective. much of the chaos in contemporary society may be traced directly to the long history of members of our species ignoring this universal concept. we are likewise not served well by attempting to manipulate the individual self of others.
our ultimate responsibility is the control of self internally. to truly accomplish this requires lifelong practice. the mastery of self is a task that is as infinite as the universe in essence.
were we to devote self to the diligent practice of mastering self, we would likely find far less time & energy to attempt to control that which is outside of self. it is just that challenging of a task. it is apparently far easier to skip this responsibility & look for outside help.
this is an unfortunate pattern of behavior that is not particular to any ethnicity &/or culture of our species. certain demographics seem to closer to the universal truth than others, but they do not seem to be having much influence over the status quo approach to these ideas.
hopefully, as more people gain a functional comprehension of mindfulness & similar practices, the metaphysical truth of our existence will become more palatable to the larger global community.
let me share this in closing, the planet has never had this many huebeins on it at 1 time. a personal theory proposes that the universe has provided for us for millennia. in this provision, we have always had lightworkers who attempt to keep us metaphysically attuned to the universe. they're called mystics, philosophers, prophets, heretics, lunatics, visionaries, or whatever the case may be.
it is my belief, i cannot prove this, that a certain number of these people exist depending on the overall population. based on this theory there should be a whole bunch of them around the planet right now. some of them are performers, some of them are public office holders, some of them are whatever they are. the point is that they are here & we as a species will continue to grow more readily if we begin to listen to them in earnest.
the universe is not out to get any of us.
no matter what is going on in the world, do remember that if we weren't meant to be here & live life, we wouldn't be here. we would not have been given the gift of life. are there unpleasant things that happen? yes, but it isn't personal from the universe. it has no malice.
we do that.
mayhaps we'll figure out it's not a great idea & stop.
i don't know. i know nothing.
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all expression is welcome. hate if you will, but try to be constructive. try even harder to be honest...ABB!