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some Refinery fuel...



some cats (eggdonors/spermdonors) are so concerned w/being right/correct that uncivilized behavior is adopted to prove things that simply are not truth.

cognitive dissonance appears to be a favored behavior characteristic of huebeins who fit the above description. these individuals may be observed to exhibit extreme defensiveness exemplified by hyper sensitivity to exploratory questions about personal responsibility in various engagements w/others.

practicing selective memory & lack of accountability for highly questionable behavior seems to allow those who function in this fashion to go amongst the general population w/extremely unreasonable perceptions of watis collectively sociable behavior.

the perceptual emphasis on being correct seems to create undue psychological burden on the very necessary process of maintaining a positive state of self. the resulting image of self ends up being based on internally formed ideas that often do not resonate w/universal reality.

huebeins who move about in our physical realm this way can become violently hostile when their sense of reality is challenged. it appears that anger is engaged stemming from a recognition that all the work that was done to be right is being exposed as faulty.

very few huebeins embrace lessons of failed labor efforts w/a positive perspective. those who fixate on being correct as opposed to learning lessons from perceived losses may be some of the most dangerous people on our planet today. this particular population's psychology is to be correct by any & all means, even if it is self individual destructive.

a self collective approach to life on the planet will always serve the population best in the pursuit of civilized society. self individual destructive behaviors create significant obstacles to forming self collective based organizations & communities.

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all expression is welcome. hate if you will, but try to be constructive. try even harder to be honest...ABB!