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some Refinery fuel...

some Refinery fuel...



some cats (eggdonors/spermdonors) are so concerned w/being right/correct that uncivilized behavior is adopted to prove things that simply are not truth.

cognitive dissonance appears to be a favored behavior characteristic of huebeins who fit the above description. these individuals may be observed to exhibit extreme defensiveness exemplified by hyper sensitivity to exploratory questions about personal responsibility in various engagements w/others.

practicing selective memory & lack of accountability for highly questionable behavior seems to allow those who function in this fashion to go amongst the general population w/extremely unreasonable perceptions of watis collectively sociable behavior.

the perceptual emphasis on being correct seems to create undue psychological burden on the very necessary process of maintaining a positive state of self. the resulting image of self ends up being based on internally formed ideas that often do not resonate w/universal reality.

huebeins who move about in our physical realm this way can become violently hostile when their sense of reality is challenged. it appears that anger is engaged stemming from a recognition that all the work that was done to be right is being exposed as faulty.

very few huebeins embrace lessons of failed labor efforts w/a positive perspective. those who fixate on being correct as opposed to learning lessons from perceived losses may be some of the most dangerous people on our planet today. this particular population's psychology is to be correct by any & all means, even if it is self individual destructive.

a self collective approach to life on the planet will always serve the population best in the pursuit of civilized society. self individual destructive behaviors create significant obstacles to forming self collective based organizations & communities.


the #carnage of #poverty

poverty is a great tool/weapon for psychological warfare in a capitalist society.

economics is the management of scarcity by definition. the institutional ability to create artificial scarcity is reserved by those who maintain capitalism as the global economic standard. there are a few geographic regions identifying as the political states commonly recognized as countries that still claim socialism. it often appears that even these states operate using capitalistic behaviors in the global arena if not within their political borders as well.

the general population is often led to believe that they have a role in determining the policies that shape their lives. some states make it very clear that the population does not have a role. such arrangements are historically claimed to be for the better benefit of the uneducated masses. oddly, in many of the situations where this is the choice made by state leaders, there are little to no programs established to educate the masses to the point of being intellectually proficient enough to assume this role in the future.

the more deviant states tend to portray the general population as being actively involved in the process of policy determination while using various traditions & institutions to essentially disable the population by as many ways as there are minds to create the laws of the land. in these situations, 1 can generally observe Orwellian practices that define hypocrisy at its highest levels of being.

doublespeak is relatively insufficient in describing these situations. doubleact is likely more apt to describe these environments. this is where poverty plays its part by thoroughly disabling the thought process of the masses.

is it fair to term these practice of perpetuating poverty as war tactics?

to use a cliche, all is fair in love & war. no mind that has a love for life would tolerate the presence of poverty as it is observed to exist in contemporary society.

there is supposedly a war on poverty in the United States. there was 1 declared at 1 point. it could be ongoing. if it is or isn't, the losses are staggering. psychologically speaking, the losses are mind shattering.

from a basic level, the mind of a huebein is very responsive to perception of the senses. from a biological level, the mind requires that the body be relatively functional in order for it to focus on thoughts & growth. perceptions of threat are extremely disruptive to mental process. consistent exposure to high levels of threat is generally recognized to cause mental disorder like post traumatic stress for example. poverty & the circumstances associated w/it are highly proficient at creating & perpetuating physiological & psychological threats through a lack of nutrition, safety, shelter, etc.

in a capitalist society, the alleviation of these threats tends to require a fluid availability of capital. the lack of access to such fluidity is highly disruptive to the process of mind elevation. mind elevation is synonymous w/progress for the general population. for state leaders to not make it a priority that the general population is well educated enough to combat such threats is an indication of the true aims of the state.

there has been a consistent annual trend for several decades for the cost of education to steadily increase while the availability of funding has decreased.

who is making these decisions? the general population?

is the general population benefiting from being less educated in a capitalist society where the less educated are far more likely to fail miserably at obtaining &/or managing capital?

who is benefiting from the creation of circumstances where it is more & more difficult to become well educated enough to function intellectually as a capitalist?

the answers to these questions make it a bit difficult to argue that poverty is not a form of psychological warfare being used on an institutional level. there are policies being created & put into place that reflect patterns of behavior that are hostile to the general population of the various political states around the planet.

these hostile behaviors are an attack on the general population.

is that not war?


#alchemy = #EXPERIMENTs

watsgreat world

3y3AM testing this voice recorder to see how it works, because my fingers are too fucking big for this little ass keyboard.

no bullshit.

alchemy is a science. It's an ancient science. I may have said this before but I'm going to keep repeating it. it seems very necessary. alchemists are generally responsible for creating solutions to help society evolve.

the society that we currently live in is not particularly alchemist friendly. why would anyone want to prevent society from evolving? evolution is supposed to be an important phenomena from a scientific perspective. in what civilized society would it be prudent to ignore science?

the point here is that this society, contemporary society, is not civilized. just for clarity, I'm saying this is not a civilized society. the basic elements of a civilized society or glaringly absent from the society that we live in today.

we do not have to live this way.

don't believe this. know this.

there have been, & will continue to be, groups of us who know this already. we have attempted to tell the general population what is going on for many generations. apparently listening is not encouraged.

please listen. change is the only universal constant. alchemy is all about change. this is a key element to the knowledge of self. change is inevitable. those who fight against change endeavor to oppose the universal flow of all things.

who in their right and civilized mind would do such a thing?


how many #alchemists does it take to #CHANGE a #LIGHT?

watsgood world...


those of you who actually watch & support wat the Refinery does may have noticed the recent emphasis on alchemy. if you know wat alchemy is, thas waup! it's all love. if you don't know watitis, thas still waup. it's still all love...

know this...

to the best of my knowledge, alchemy is an ancient Kemetic science. it exists throughout the world in various cultures. these teachings have been put in numerous languages, spiritual practices, etc.. the teachings at their core have told us to be mindful of the collective so that we as individuals & the collective  strive toward elevating & evolving.

so, watis alchemy?



the lean #fears

watsgood world. this is watitis. i identify self as an active creator. watdoes that mean?

it means if i'm not actively creating on a relatively regular basis i get stagnant & funky like a rotting carcass. i'm quite sure i've stated this before, but it bears repeating.

in my currently somewhat  limited travels, i'm beginning to notice this behavioral dynamic is quite common amongst creative huebeins. there are a lot of us who aren't particularly well treated by either society &/or supposed friends/family.

this is a fascinating thing to observe considering that those of us who manage to become creative heroes have a very common experience:

the lean years


it's that period where 1 is essentially broke as fuck, literally eating tuna out of cans & shit like that. it may seem that this is wat fam & friends are for supportwise, but for many of us, this is when those types bail like fields of hey WTF!

the trick as creator is to know how to say fuckit & keep it mega. those of us who can manage the lean years most fearlessly tend to see some most beautiful shit begin to happen. as highly emotional/expressive huebeins though, the wait through the lean season can be killer. in some cases, this is a literal thing.

support can often be the key factor between madness & outright innovative genius.

if you're reading this & you don't consider self a fellow active creator, keep an eye peeled for those creators in your life who are. support them as best you can so they can do their thing.


because active creators are very often natural healers & who doesn't need healing?

please fearlessly support the arts.