are there other collectives that perform this function? 3y3m sure there are, but i am not currently involved in any of them & i'm thinking there are a few other active creators who aren't either.
the point here is that instead of attempting to gain acceptance of/in an established collective, why not create 1 that doesn't require such energy to be spent. cliques can be quite boring & counterproductive in ways. i've never had a particular interest in them. there's usually too much ego w/certain cats & peeps like that do not respond well to being told about self.
i have no personal or professional interest in dealing w/cats who repeatedly & willfully refrain from being collectively accountable. apparently this is extremely difficult for those who are too self absorbed. how ironic that active creators seem to be emotional people in many if not all cases. vanity & emotional volatility often prevail in spaces better filled w/creative energy. the end result is a lack of much creative output.
why would i want that?
that said, to those who may be mutually interested in building an inpiring & encouraging collective, i'm always looking to build w/those who get the direction of the Refinery & find our movement is in a similar direction. the idea is to be active creators in an atmosphere where competition is w/self & improvement is the ultimate goal.
if any reader finds this concept appealing & is interested in building going forward, get at my inbox on facebook, or gmail:
Dayvt Vaune
please do not confuse this request for communication w/an invitation to spam me w/a whole bunch of bullshit &/or random submissions of media. yes, this is a solicited request, no, not everything that is perceived to be DOPE is...
so, please take the time check out the Refinery's various digital contributions & get a feel for the vibes. if there's still an interest besides pushing YOUR OWN material/content, then do inbox me w/a brief message expressing your level of interest in contributing to the building of this collective.
Keep It Mega
Always Be Building
Grind On Daily
PEACE calm...
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all expression is welcome. hate if you will, but try to be constructive. try even harder to be honest...ABB!