for those who do create the time to read these words, i appreciate your eyes/mind.
what i do as a creator is not all that unusual. i'd have to say that the way i go about what i do could be perceived as a bit unique, but that would actually be quite common.
being unique is the natural state of each of us. IMHO(bservation) many of us have been trained to plug in to society in ways that serve to benefit the proliferation of corporate greed & malfeasance. my nature as an honest huebein & my gift(s) as a communicator don't fit well w/this model of being.
i have listened for many of the years that i've been alive to the various excuses for why things are not the most + for the vast majority of huebeins. i've also spent a good bit of personal time studying history & behavioral patterns. this is 1 of the reasons why i sometimes post things like #HUEBEINSrCRAZY .
instead of finding a way to fit in w/what i do, i have decided to do watitdo w/my gifts. i thoroughly enjoy accumulating knowledge, but it's just not as much fun as when i get to share it w/those who know enough to either add to it &/or appreciate it's true value.
posting here is still reflective of a number of technical issues that are essentially related to my personal/economic life. i've learned to accept my role in the creation of whatever circumstances i have to deal w/as an individual & as a creator. it doesn't make the circumstances less frustrating, but it does allow me a whole lot more freedom mentally to come up w/more constructive ways of devising solutions.
i'd rather be me & keep struggling than be a plugged in cat who has to hide his truth of being. that said, i have to keep working to find ways to fund my endeavors. the usual channels are generally not an option. i'm not going to stop because of that though.
i'm not big on asking peeps for help, but no 1 truly does anything completely by themselves. huebeings are social by nature. operating a media business as an individual may be somewhat easier because of the technology now available, but it is still NOT free. couple this truth w/the rising cost of just plain old living & you might get an idea of why many creative types just give up. this is not an option i have any intention of or desire to pursue.
that said, as the Refinery, i ask you to hit up the MEDIAfeast ( #theMEDIAfeast ) & cop a few things. if you already use Amazon then you'll be familiar w/the shopping experience.

the prices are the same as they usually are. the only difference is the Refinery receives a small percentage of the sale. you will be supporting independent media every time you go through the Mediafeast to get your Amazon on.
thanks in advance for your support & do share this link w/those you know as often as you can (w/o spamming them of course).
...be calm...
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all expression is welcome. hate if you will, but try to be constructive. try even harder to be honest...ABB!