i am a hip-hop head. it has never been & never will be a passing phase for me. the culture is a very significant part of my way of expression as a creative.
IMO the commercial aspects of hip-hop are not reflective of many of the cultural aspects that make me proud to support the culture. there is really nothing that i can do about this except not actively feed into it. as w/most things in life, it's an ongoing process.
part of the process is studying history. last week i peeped Deep Crates 1 & 2. the content was not what i expected, but this was a good thing. i learned quite a bit from a number of cats that i have a great respect for. overall, Deep Crates 2 was a little more powerful to me than 1. it was really interesting to see/hear these cats express some of their frustrations as creatives.

the biggest thing i came away w/is the importance of establishing your own creative voice/presence. copping the same gear &/or vinyl as whoever is not going to put you in a position to emulate what they do. that's a mentality i can't relate to for at least 2 reasons:
- you're not that person
- it's not what you use, it's how you use it
studying the technique of the greats can be helpful, but ultimately they are considered great because their sounds &/or contributions have been unique/innovative in various ways.
being unique/different isn't something i have to work at. it seems to just be a part of how i function. that likely has a lot to do w/why Refinery fuel does not sound like hip-hop. it sounds like what it sounds like. it is heavily influenced by hip-hop, but for the most part, i would not classify it sonically as hip-hop. genre classification is not really something that i focus on as a creator anyway.
creating fuel that sounds interesting. improving my ability to create fuel that is sonically proficient. creating fuel that expresses whatever it is the universe presents me w/as inspiration in ways that will inspire others.
i'm not trying to be like this guy or that guy. i'm working to be the best guy that i am & there is always room for improvement. for me it is not enough to just experience the creative energy of others. i have energy of my own that i have to get out. creating + ways to do this is my goal. that's what i have to work at!
it's definitely not easy, but in the end what is easy that is worth having/doing?
...be calm...
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all expression is welcome. hate if you will, but try to be constructive. try even harder to be honest...ABB!