i own all the albums except for the 1st 1. i honestly cannot figure out why i don't have that 1 in the collection yet. either way, Step In The Arena
is still my favorite of all the Gang Starr albums. Daily Operation
is important to me too, but if challenged to choose between the 2 i'm staying w/SITA
it's kind of irritating for the oddities surrounding the personal situation w/GURU's health & family to be floating about, but i am focusing on the + that is this artist's true legacy. all the albums, cameos, etc. that this talented human blessed us w/will remain w/us in the physical realm. so few truly appreciate the messages provided by creatives. it is rarely just entertainment. those who are proficient at such communication provide these messages w/what appears to be great ease. perhaps this is where the confusion comes from. GURU's messages will continue to do the work that he did in the physical.
if you have no idea what hip-hop sounds like &/or you meet someone who has this as a problem, Gang Starr would be a great way to introduce them to some quality hip-hop music. w/6 albums you really cannot go wrong unless you just don't dig this kind of hip-hop.
...be calm...
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all expression is welcome. hate if you will, but try to be constructive. try even harder to be honest...ABB!