watsgood world. this is watitis. i identify self as an active creator. watdoes that mean?
it means if i'm not actively creating on a relatively regular basis i get stagnant & funky like a rotting carcass. i'm quite sure i've stated this before, but it bears repeating.
in my currently somewhat limited travels, i'm beginning to notice this behavioral dynamic is quite common amongst creative huebeins. there are a lot of us who aren't particularly well treated by either society &/or supposed friends/family.
this is a fascinating thing to observe considering that those of us who manage to become creative heroes have a very common experience:
the lean years
it's that period where 1 is essentially broke as fuck, literally eating tuna out of cans & shit like that. it may seem that this is wat fam & friends are for supportwise, but for many of us, this is when those types bail like fields of hey WTF!
the trick as creator is to know how to say fuckit & keep it mega. those of us who can manage the lean years most fearlessly tend to see some most beautiful shit begin to happen. as highly emotional/expressive huebeins though, the wait through the lean season can be killer. in some cases, this is a literal thing.
support can often be the key factor between madness & outright innovative genius.
if you're reading this & you don't consider self a fellow active creator, keep an eye peeled for those creators in your life who are. support them as best you can so they can do their thing.
because active creators are very often natural healers & who doesn't need healing?
please fearlessly support the arts.