media & media related products mentioned/recommended/enjoyed by DFinery can be found/purchased in the Mediafeast!
TIA (Thanks In Advance) FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

some Refinery fuel...

some Refinery fuel...


2 months in the ear...

back in early August Dr. Ceemo asked me what Illadelph stations played #ROCK sounds. at the time i was vibin' to some obscure/independent #FUNK that i had come up on over the summer weeks. after hookin the good Dr. up w/the proper frequencies, he pretty much locked into WMGK. after a few days of his listening to their broadcasts i was reminded of how much i dig #ROCK & decided to work up a playlist for the rest/lab.

this is watitis...

what has been the #DOPEST thing about these LP's is the solid messages within much of the lyrics. for those who have any knowledge of hip hop you might also notice that some of these LP's have influenced some of the #DOPEST in hip hop.

the #UNIVERSAL nature of music & how genres are NOT as rigid & concrete as some would have you believe is why #DOPE sounds are forever...


if you're going to make it, make it #TIMELESSDOPE

FYI: the links between the album covers & the videos are to that album in the Mediafeast!

PEACE calm...


#hashing out the #details ...

when peeps ask me what i do for a living i flatly tell them i'm a starving independent artist...

i'm working to change that. i've actually been working on it for over 20 years, but some of the things i thought would work did not go well at all (like working FT & being #CREATIVE on the side...SMDH!)

fortunately 1 of the things that took me an apparently long while to learn is now an integral part of my daily effort to make things happen:

keeping a + outlook

it is always a challenge, but maintaining this kind of outlook, w/o being unrealistic about it, is clearly an advantage over those who constantly tell self & others that nothing will ever work out.

so, what goes on in the world today?

"...look ma i made the paper..."
Occupy Together goes on. since i'm an Illadelphian, i'm rockin' w/the Occupy Philly/Occupy Philadelphia movement. there is also Occupy The Hood & various other collectives made of #AGENTS of + #CHANGE . if you aren't catching this yet, we are in the midst of a #GLOBAL #CHANGE &/or #REVOLUTION .

as a #PROFESSIONAL #COMMUNICATOR & an #INDEPENDENT #MEDIA #CREATOR i am learning/teaching self how to better navigate & manipulate the virtual social landscape in order to pursue my socio-political & creative goals. many of the things i now know how to do are essentially self taught.

don't get me wrong, i highly value my TU education & earning my B.A. degree. my point here is that ultimately it is the application of #KNOWLEDGE that makes things happen. accumulated info is practically useless if not applied appropriately. no matter what you're taught, if you do not apply it get the idea!

so to #hash out the #details of this post i will answer a question that was asked by this cat i've known since HS. he wanted to know what these are:


why i put them in front of certain words, & why some of those words are all capped. to answer all 3 aspects of this question actually fits a post i intended to do a couple of months ago but did not get to.


words w/the # in front of them are hashtags &/or hashtagged. this is essentially Twitter speak. the reality is tags & hashtags are a great way to make the overabundance of info #HUMANS encounter online searchable & more manageable. i sometimes use all caps simply for EMPHASIS! as a communications professional i feel it's necessary to draw attention to certain #CORE #IDEAS in a #blogpost #tweet #tumblrpost #facebookpost .

that's about the gist of it...

on that note...


PEACE calm...