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TIA (Thanks In Advance) FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

some Refinery fuel...

some Refinery fuel...


Diesel Funkin' 10

time for another catalog update. continuing to find creative energies. certain personal dynamics can make said process e-challenging, but what is finite being w/o challenges?

the '10 fuel thus far:
  1. DieselF - Yipo Gybaoch
  2. DieselF - Clepkach Fintsol
  3. DieselF - Xiolitkendoct
  4. DieselF - Diochenbouche
  5. DieselF - Wegwig Ogaut
  6. DieselF - Entyerolhyd
  7. DieselF - Verlowpid
  8. DieselF - Fomwongil Ahtmaych
  9. DieselF - Qilock Fekubis
  10. DieselF - Ghat Bleiqon
  11. DieselF - Terok Qeolam
  12. DieselF - Haudjioji
  13. DieselF - Skubidgidnit
  14. DieselF - Ido Giwdo
  15. DieselF - Reok Argwibet
  16. DieselF - Jik Iroteai
  17. DieselF - Qeraip Aos
  18. DieselF - Kei Fa Toyng
  19. DieselF - Poin Fe Gwok
  20. DieselF - Lirf Nung Giyate
  21. DieselF - Opttri Indo Koleen
  22. DieselF - Momf Pehnk Erquot
  23. DieselF - Nahkboquan
  24. DieselF - Neordiayet
  25. DieselF - Min Gilochea
  26. DieselF - Orpila Weyonte
  27. DieselF - Liokaye
  28. DieselF - Pygomdielfak
  29. DieselF - Kopaque Doimp
  30. DieselF - Qita Ontir
  31. DieselF - Jionilphoktor
  32. DieselF - Raltourpeq
  33. DieselF - Izo Aldeock
  34. DieselF - Sibaugh Osnaut
  35. DieselF - Heboli
  36. DieselF - Tobangsumwa
  37. DieselF - Gidauch Idoarh
  38. DieselF - Ungot Ingot
  39. DieselF - Fegortocs
  40. DieselF - Vomgomilit
  41. DieselF - Engoli
  42. DieselF - Wengolagesse
  43. DieselF - Dinta Spoutac
  44. DieselF - Xorgont Fironk
  45. DieselF - Cobitogil
  46. DieselF - Yeockaiont
  47. DieselF - Bilonkpiol
  48. DieselF - Ziaok Pweotique
  49. DieselF - Angtok Gosplip

it's officially #mm #musicmonday, but i'm still on my digital hiatus for now...

get at me anyway...

PEACE calm...


DFingas In The House...

i decided to post some previously unavailable fuel from the current rendition of Pipeline. i'm testing 1 of the audio embedding options that i found recently. the option is FREE & requires the use of 2 sites:
  1. BooMP3
  2. Dropbox 
the instructions for embedding audio are pretty clear. it may seem a bit extra to use 2 sites instead of 1, but it is a free & relatively straightforward process. [NOTE: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DOWNLOAD THE DROPBOX SOFTWARE TO UPLOAD FILES!]

the idea came from the blog ***ICT U CAN!. there were a couple of other options listed in the post. check the post for self if the above option is found unacceptable.

so, on the K.I.M. tip, have a listen...

DieselF - Pifok Omoltey


PEACE calm...


testing, testing, 1, 2, 1, 2...

since this blog is essentially the Refinery's thoughts & musings, i figured it might be a good idea to post audio here a bit more frequently. as i recall i have posted a link before, but it was temporary.

there are some long-term Refinery ideas that will be better served by posting here on a more permanent basis. for the purposes of this post SoundCloud is getting the job done...

Uflah Bor by DieselF

i continue to not be mad at all at SoundCloud...

i have yet to make fuel downloadable. if the interest is there, i'm not opposed to making tanks available for download.

get at me...

PEACE calm...



it would appear that i continue to be different from my peers, whoever they are.

i decided to stay physical as opposed to digital for a few days.

no facebook...

no twitter...

so far, the idea has its merits.

it can be scary to see the number of peeps that  get their web on w/mobile phones & whatnot. knowing what i know about computer security & identity theft risks, i'm amazed so many people are so comfortable w/using devices that have little to no security to do things that require passwords.

to each his own & i'm in my own zone...

i figure i spend enough time w/gadgets & around computers when i'm in the Refinery. why do i need to carry all that around outside w/me?


PEACE calm...


fascination & inspirations...

i find my creator influences come from many places. i am best served by not trying to limit said influences.

when i go to sites that make related suggestions, i will check out the links that are appealing for various reasons. in doing so, i recently came across the above. a very interesting journey in communication & imagery.

i am not a proponent of political correctness. i do not find profanity offensive. i respect that others do, but my approach to communication is essentially wide open. if i find a word is useful in communicating a particular idea, i figure using it should not be a problem.

i take freedom of speech dead serious. this includes language that may offend me personally. my personal offense is not the barometer of the next human's communication choices. it is only mine. if another human is repeatedly offensive then it is up to me to either communicate such to this person, or do my best to remove myself from what i determine is verbal foolishness. it is not my right or job to limit the means of their communication.

this is where consideration for others comes into play. who am i trying to communicate to w/my message? what is my message? depending on such questions, i have to make my decision(s) as to how i will proceed. this is important to me, so i respect this in others.

it may seem like self-censorship at times, but it all depends on the importance of the message, & the audience i'm working on reaching. outside of these considerations, all language is acceptable...

PEACE calm...


movement as a creator...

being an artist is not typically the most lucrative career choice at all. being creative does not seem to be a choice though. i have been the way i am since i was a small human. over the years i have essentially done everything that i do w/little or no support for my creative endeavors. THIS IS NOT A COMPLAINT. it's an observation.

it took spending years being creative on the side &/or sporadically for me to realize that this is not something that i just do. it is who i am. it'd be great to make a living being self...imagine that. so, at this point the path is watitis.

i've seen so many step off this path over the years. it's been a long time. i'm still doing watitdo. it's interesting at times to observe the many changes that have occurred in the process of pursuing creative endeavors. the technological changes are greatly appreciated. interestingly enough the very same technology has made it that much more difficult to make moves as a creative. the market is far more saturated now. this is not a reason to stop...

my goal is as it has always been:

to study. to build. to share. to be self...

if i don't make it move doing the above, then i suppose i may be in some sort of trouble. c'est la vie. the highly ironic reality of all this is if you stop traveling on the path, you will surely not reach the destination.

i wonder instead of wander. i am KnoMDic...knowledge is infinite...

i'm still working on the updates to Pipeline. the plan is to replace all 15 tanks at 1 time instead of as i create. i am strongly considering making unmastered copies of a version of Pipeline available in order to stir up some $$$. Refinery upgrades are necessary & the hustle is imperative!

get at me...

PEACE calm...