media & media related products mentioned/recommended/enjoyed by DFinery can be found/purchased in the Mediafeast!
TIA (Thanks In Advance) FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

some Refinery fuel...

some Refinery fuel...


visions of beauty...3 eye style...

Nikon Coolpix S550 10 MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Zoom (Graphite Black)

i had to cop a replacement digicam the week before last. i've been using the Coolpix S550. the battery door on the current 1 will not stay closed. not a good look. this is especially true since the media slot is in the same location. i'm usually pretty good at rigging things when they break, but this was a clear no fix.

i was able to make contact w/Nikon using their twitter feed (nikonusadotcom) & will be sending the original in for hopeful repair service. the warranty period ended back in January of this year, so i'll have to come out of pocket. i'm not too mad. these things can happen.

it would appear that 1 of the godren got at the camera while it was sitting on 1 of the tripods. ultimately it is my fault for leaving the digicam out where it could be easily accessed. in a way this works out because every member of the 4fam will have a digicam once the original gets repaired. it's quite interesting to see their visions of what is interesting & how they like to capture it.

i grew up w/cameras, so capturing images is part of the way i live. a DSLR is definitely in the plan, but for now it's P&S. my challenge is to learn how to use the technology to present my vision to other humans. capturing just the right image can be frustrating at times, but it is ultimately rewarding. it teaches me to appreciate the intracacies of the universe more.


even though i now wear glasses, my eyes can still see things at times that the camera is not able to capture. the human eye = the original camera & my memory/mind serves as the infinite media.

makes me glad i have a long memory...

PEACE calm...


the vinyl until it's final...

yesterday was a great born day. i got to share 1 of my greatest pasttimes w/the rest of the 4fam. we took a trip to 1 of my favorite spots in the Illadelph for diggin'.

i actually went to the spot w/a list. that was the 1st time that's ever happened. back in the day i used to just roll to the store w/the intention to pick up some choice vinyl. now i keep a list. thank you technology.

actually, thank you technology 2X. thanks to all these digital interfaces for DJing. cats are wholesale dropping their vinyl collections. i'd like to take this time to say thank you to anyone who has liquidated their vinyl collection. your efforts have done wonders to the price of vintage vinyl. keep up the good work...

so, what got gifted?

for a super short mission, this was not a bad grab. the collection has grown over the years. i remember when i could keep all my vinyl in 1 crate. the 45's need major work & my 12" stock could definitely use some additions, but i'm always going to grab LP's whenever i can.


PEACE calm...


PEACE & BLESSINGS: focusing on the legacy...

today i recall the album that brought me into listening to Gang Starr on a regular basis:

Step in the Arena

i own all the albums except for the 1st 1. i honestly cannot figure out why i don't have that 1 in the collection yet. either way, Step In The Arena is still my favorite of all the Gang Starr albums. Daily Operation is important to me too, but if challenged to choose between the 2 i'm staying w/SITA.

it's kind of irritating for the oddities surrounding the personal situation w/GURU's health & family to be floating about, but i am focusing on the + that is this artist's true legacy. all the albums, cameos, etc. that this talented human blessed us w/will remain w/us in the physical realm. so few truly appreciate the messages provided by creatives. it is rarely just entertainment. those who are proficient at such communication provide these messages w/what appears to be great ease. perhaps this is where the confusion comes from. GURU's messages will continue to do the work that he did in the physical.

if you have no idea what hip-hop sounds like &/or you meet someone who has this as a problem, Gang Starr would be a great way to introduce them to some quality hip-hop music. w/6 albums you really cannot go wrong unless you just don't dig this kind of hip-hop.


PEACE calm...


the list...

i didn't forget about the list of 2000-09 hip-hop albums. in fact, i'm working on it right now. i noticed a couple of weeks ago that there were some errors w/the year on some of the albums. this was the fault of the operator not the source(s).

speaking of sources, now seems to be a good time to share some links to what i've been using thus far:

Discogs is getting better & better at detailing the works of musical artists. you can even find catalog #'s for releases. this is excellent for making sure you have a specific release, especially when looking for scarce releases. details are always helpful.

allmusic is good if you'd like to get some details & a review. the site provides award & chart info as well as catalog #'s for releases.

Wikipedia is essentially a catch all. it is what it is. i'm not mad at it as a source at all. sometimes it will have info that the other sites don't. this seems to be more true of some obscure releases.

& now back to the list...

what i'm doing right now is going through the entire list & verifying all the years. when that's done i'm going to fix what needs to be on all the previously posted years. the '06 list of albums will follow.

until then remember...


Find it...Peep it...Cop it. support the artists who create the sounds that you dig. how else are they going to continue to create what you dig?

get at me.

PEACE calm...


mediavore testaments...

there is this strange & IMO foolish notion that downloading on the web STOPS peeps from buying media.

i must emphasize the word F-O-O-L-I-S-H.

w/the abundance of releases for various types of media. it is very often beneficial to get some idea of how good something is before you fork over your $$$. i cannot stand a bad movie at the theater. even though i'm strictly Netflix now, i still cannot stand a bad movie. when i was spending $100/wk on vinyl i hated getting an album w/1 good song on it. a booty 12" isn't that bad even w/2 you can kinda write that off...maybe even enjoy the cover art [SHRUGS]. a whole album is not functional like that.

you can't return wack media 'cause it's wack. you're stuck w/some ga'bage that you don't want & can't pawn off to anyone else in good conscious. whether you're a phile or a plain old consumer, you're supposed to just take that loss while the corps exec buys big houses & phat rides w/your $$$.

let me be very blunt here: FUCK THAT!

moving away from the rams i have to say that the corps are still getting it wrong through the RIAA & the MPAA by trying to scare peeps. adapt. get a grip & K.I.M.

so, on to the real mediafeast...

Afro Samurai (Director's Cut)

i copped the director's cut (DC) of Afro Samurai. this joint is tight. i believe i rented it from Netflix originally. i have such long lists of media to cop. this joint had to be priority owned. i was kinda salty after i ordered 'cause i didn't realize Resurrection had been released. i have to cop the DC of that later...

Afro Samurai: Resurrection - Director's Cut

if you haven't seen the original joint yet, do peep it. if you have seen it & don't own it yet, do click on the image/link(s). if you've seen the feature jawn let me know how you dug it.

get at me...

PEACE calm...


DFingas in the house...


i'm working on video concepts for fuel from Diesel Funkin' 08, 09, Raw Fuel, & Pipeline.

Diesel Funkin' 06 & 07 still need attention & Raw Fuel II requires a listen through of Diesel Funkin' 09.

i find it rather difficult to refrain from creating new fuel when in the Refinery. to stop creating just doesn't have a natural or appealing feel to it. in some ways i'd rather keep moving forward than to go back to address the older tanks. the problem w/just ignoring the older catalog is that there are creations there that i can still get quite excited about. as w/most things it all comes down to balancing it out.

as the facebook status says, i'm working in progress...

on that note peep Caulreap Idoaut...

as always, commentary is welcome. get at me...

PEACE calm...


in the lab w/3 minds...

i'm working on incorporating the other 3 members of the 4fam into Refinery projects. i figure it's only right. there's too much creativity to ignore...

Dr. Ceemo & Feek X come w/some real ill biscuits on the creative tip. besides, i figure the best way to pass on what i've learned over the years is to get them involved. when it comes to technical operations, hands on is usually the best way to create high comprehension levels.

these dudes are asking me for 1200's & whatnot. how can i be mad at that?

Dr. Ceemo asked me to put MC Shan's Down By Law on his media player...

Down By Law
i have to say i'm impressed, because he doesn't listen to everything that i listen to. he digs jazz, blues & house music. i asked him once why he didn't dig hip-hop like he does other genres. he told me because it is difficult to follow the lyrics on much of the hip-hop that i tend to dig. knowing this made his request for Down By Law even more interesting. he really digs Living In The World Of Hip Hop...

imagine that...

much luv for the 4fam...K.I.M.!

PEACE calm...